Q&A from webinar events now available
Thank you to everyone who participated in Christ Church and Dorchester Residential Management’s initial consultation on Land North of Bayswater Brook (Bayswater), which closed on 31 March 2022.
We welcomed hearing your views on how we can deliver the best possible scheme for Bayswater. We’re now considering all feedback received during the consultation to help inform the site’s final detailed design, alongside carrying out ongoing technical and environmental work.
During our online consultation events on 3 and 15 March, we received many suggestions and questions, some of which we didn’t have time to fully answer during the sessions. We have reviewed all of these and produced a Q&A document, providing our responses and additional information.
The Q&A is now available on our website (here). You can also watch recordings of the online events by visiting the ‘Downloads’ section of our website.
We are also grateful to those of you who raised suggestions for immediate actions we could take to enhance the area. In response to the comments received about hedge trimming and clearance activity at parts of Bayswater Brook, we made arrangements with contractors to carry out this important maintenance work in the coming weeks and months.
Our next round of consultation is planned for this summer, where we will present refined plans based on your feedback and further technical work. In the meantime, we’ll continue to consider any comments you have on our proposals for Bayswater, as well as continuing to talk to community representatives.Back to news